The Undecided: Have they made up their minds?

(CNN) — They represent a sliver of the electorate yet could still hold the key to the Oval Office. In a contest that’s already the most expensive in history, we set out to meet the men and women whose choices are so highly prized: the undecided voters. They represent six key groups in the key swing states where their votes matter most:

A millennial in New Hampshire. A Catholic in Ohio. A long-term unemployed man in Nevada. A Latino in Florida. A single woman in Virginia. An evangelical in Iowa.

Compare The Undecided: Artifacts that reveal identity

We introduced you to them through deeply drawn profiles accompanied by photographic portraits, videos and data visualizations that illuminate the nexus between real life and politics — the emotional terrain that determines how these ordinary Americans could decide the election. With less than a day left before the election, we caught up with them to see if they’ve made up their minds — and how they came to their decision. Three told whom they’re voting for, two wouldn’t say and one — well, she’s still undecided.

The Millennial: Imagining he’s the candidate


50 Most Anticipated Albums For the Rest of 2012

2012 has been a great year for music, but the show is still far from over. With a little over three months to go until the new year, we’re still anxiously awaiting the release of a number of projects. Some have firm release dates. Others have been discussed and contemplated by artists to the point that it’s clear that the musician and their label would prefer a release within this calendar year. As a result, Q4 looks extremely promising. Debut albums from hip-hop stars like Meek Mill and A$AP Rocky are on the horizon. Veteran rock stars like No Doubt are returning with new material. Then there’s an enigma like The Weeknd emerging from obscurity for an official retail release. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much more good music on the way that’s worth getting excited about. It’s only fitting that we put together this list of the 50 Most Anticipated Albums For the Rest of 2012, outlining what you can expect these upcoming releases, and when. Continue reading to see why this year is about to close out with a bang, no matter what type of music you’re into. CONTINUE READING…

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